Friday, November 13, 2009

Yoki Safari Quick Paint

Yoki_quickpaint, originally uploaded by SnailsvenueDrew.


Just a quick paint of Yoki Safari in Photoshop. No, that's not her middle finger, it's her index finger. ;D

This is a good indication of where her design is heading. I want something very simple, a little Star Wars in nature. I may give her a laser pistol on her other leg, but I haven't decided. She is a warrior princess, though, so she should be well-equipped. We'll see.

Anyway, enjoy!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

More Prints, New Header!

Hey folks!

Just wanted to let you know that there are more prints (including one print of my Link portrait) up for sale at my Etsy shop!

Also, hey look, a new blog header!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Link Portrait Sketch

Link Portrait_Sketch, originally uploaded by SnailsvenueDrew.

This is the sketch for my recent portrait image of Link. As you can see, my sketches are not very fancy. I didn't even think to include all of the intricate designs on the shield and sheath until I was in the vector phase.

Finished image:

You can buy a print of the finished image here:

There are only 2 left for sale at the moment, so act fast!
